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Receive a $2-3 Per Square Foot Rebate by Switching to Artificial Grass

Receive a $2-3 Per Square Foot Rebate by Switching to Artificial Grass

Apply for the California Friendly Landscape Incentive Program and you may be eligible for $2-3 dollar per square foot rebate. This will help you save hundreds if not thousands of dollars when installing artificial grass . If you are thinking about switching your lawn to artificial grass,  you should consider this option sooner than later because it has limited funding.

Save With Artificial Grass

Save With Artificial Grass

If you are looking to save money then consider placing artificial grass in your lawn. It requires less maintenance compared to natural grass. Not only that, it provides various environmental benefits such as not having to depend on fertilizers and conserving water. It can also help builders meet the LEED guidelines of the US Green Building Council.